struktura cząsteczek DuoBentu
DuoBent F2 preparation – DuoBent
Logo DuoBent, zielono niebieska kropla wraz z napisem

DuoBent F2

DuoBent is a European-scale eco-innovation. It’s a product designed for optimizing wastewater treatment processes, both in municipal and industrial applications. These products are manufactured using a patented technology to ensure their safe usage.

Cząsteczka preparatu glinokrzemianów DuoBent - do zostosowań dla oczyszczalni ścieków


The issue of sedimentation in secondary clarifiers can occur periodically or throughout the year. Causes may include factors such as an overload of pollutant load, the formation of sticky sludge due to the mass appearance of filamentous bacteria, or the formation of stringy sludge caused by excessive growth of filamentous bacteria. Commonly used coagulants for improving sedimentation are not always sufficient. Therefore, when an immediate improvement in sediment settling is necessary, the natural group of aluminosilicate mixtures called DuoBent comes into play.

DuoBent F2 is dedicated as an alternative to DuoBent F500 for wastewater treatment plants with a capacity exceeding 100,000 RLM that are facing issues related to the sedimentation of activated sludge and the influx of surface-active agents, which significantly contribute to the formation of foam on the surface of biological reactors.

Wastewater treatment plants of this kind, serving large urban areas, receive a higher inflow of pollutant load, including from various industrial sectors. Periodic issues with the sedimentation of activated sludge can occur for several operational reasons, such as pollutant overload, increased temporary inflow of wastewater or rainwater, the acceptance of campaign wastewater, treatment plant capacity limitations, or ongoing modernization works.

Experiences with wastewater treatment plants have shown that DuoBent F2 may also prove to be an effective solution for facilities receiving industrial wastewater, which, in a relatively short period or periodically throughout the year, receive significant pollutant loads. Often, biological treatment systems are not adapted to handle increased inflows, even when they occur temporarily.

DuoBent BX10 opakowanie

The main advantages of DuoBent F2

  • mmediate improvement of activated sludge sedimentation
  • Reduction of biomass carryover in secondary clarifiers
  • Reduction of floating suspended solids in the treated effluent, which sometimes leads to parameter exceedances
  • Very low dosages
  • No need for daily dosing – thanks to the incorporation of submicron particles, DuoBent remains in the system, resulting in a long-term effect
  • Potential application for oxygen stabilization, gravity thickening, and mechanical dewatering to improve sludge dewatering – increased dry mass and reduced polymer consumption
  • Suitable for industrial systems, pre-treatment, and primary flocculation, including preliminary settling.

Preliminary wastewater treatment – primary settling

Preliminary treatment of raw wastewater at industrial facilities brings several operational benefits, including lower costs for wastewater disposal into the sewer system, which significantly influences the choice of technology and products used in this process.

The main advantages of DuoBent F2 in the preliminary treatment of raw wastewater are:

  • Immediate sedimentation
  • Reduction of pollutant load at a single stage
  • Applicability in various industrial wastewater treatment technologies
  • Eco-innovative alternative to chemical pretreatment
  • Reduction of color, including effluents
  • Possible reduction of pollutants limited for chemical treatment methods, e.g., phenols, SPC NJ, oily substances, dissolved COD.

The other products in the DuoBent family:

DuoBent BX10

  • Over 90% reduction in fat substances
  • Reduction of foam and scum
  • Ideal solution for small and medium-sized SBR reactors facing issues with foam, fat, or sedimentation
  • Designed to work simultaneously with PAX18 for the rapid reduction of filamentous bacteria
  • Dedicated to preventing further proliferation of filamentous bacteria
DuoBent BX500

  • An alternative to DuoBent BX10
  • Reduction of foam and fatty scum
  • Solution for medium and large treatment plants dealing with foam, fat, or sedimentation issues
  • Designed for simultaneous action with PAX18 to rapidly reduce the number of filamentous bacteria
  • Dedicated to preventing further proliferation of filamentous bacteria
DuoBent BX220

  • Immediate improvement in sedimentation in the presence of filamentous bacteria 021N
  • The potential for complete elimination of bacteria 021N
  • Reduction of fat substances and sulfides
  • The possibility of reducing the pollutant load in raw wastewater
DuoBent S-block

  • Extremely low dosages
  • Allows for the reduction or complete elimination of unpleasant odor
  • Reduces hydrogen sulfide and ammonia concentrations
DuoBent F500

  • Immediate improvement in sedimentation
  • Extremely low dosages
  • Interventional action
  • Designed for simultaneous action with PAX18 to rapidly reduce the number of filamentous bacteria
  • Dedicated to preventing further proliferation of filamentous bacteria